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For all Mac situations

  • Free up gigabytes of space
  • Delete duplicates
  • Keep your Mac healthy and organized
30-day money-back guarantee
Apple Notarized
Passed Apple’s security check for malware
17 years of expertise in developing Mac software
App Store
based on 921 reviews
29 Million
One million Macs cleaned daily
iF Design Award
"Gold" winner
in app design

Meet your personal Mac genius

CleanMyMac replaces dozens of optimization tools for Mac. Need to quickly put your Docs in order? Find what's eating up memory? Wipe out adware from the browser? This app is the fix.

How It Works
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Fine-tune your whole Mac in a click

Enjoy Smart Care — a perfectly simple tool for optimization of your Mac. Run all the tasks to keep your Mac clean, fast, and protected with a single click.
Boost speed

Get more done on a faster Mac

Every time your Mac stalls, you get a full deck of speedup tools to rely upon: freeing up RAM, running maintenance scripts, managing Login Items and Background Apps. These will lessen your system load and tune the Mac for maximum performance.

Keeps your Mac as fast as new
Speed Up Your Mac Now
Start your 7 days free trial
Romain Dillet

“CleanMyMac helps you remove unneeded files and get an overview of what is slowing down your computer.”

faster boot time
hidden background apps found
Boost Mac with maintenance tasks
Test actual internet speed

Better Memory Management

CleanMyMac includes a dedicated Performance tool to help you manage memory-intensive tasks. Disable unnecessary background applications and apps that automatically open at startup. Don’t let performance drops slow down your productivity.

Free up RAM

Use this tool when your Mac hangs up in the middle of something important.

CPU & Memory load

See which apps strain your processor and battery the most. Close them with a click.
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See the hidden part of your Mac

CleanMyMac offers tools to manage background items, keeping your Mac fast and responsive. Close unseen background apps and stop apps from launching at startup to reduce system load. You can also reindex Spotlight and speed up your Mail app.

Disable background apps

Turn off hidden background processes that drain resources without impacting important tasks.

Manage startup items

Control which apps open at startup to speed up boot times and free memory for essential tasks.
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Noticeable improvement

Since every Mac is unique, CleanMyMac creates a custom list of maintenance tasks, which include freeing up RAM or reindexing Spotlight. You’ll notice faster searches and a Mac that’s less prone to lagging or overheating.

Personalized optimization tasks

CleanMyMac's Assistant tool gives you recommendations when your Mac begins to slow down.

Mac health index

We calculate your Mac's health status based on dozens of metrics, like CPU load or battery age.
Use all tools, pay zero

All about this Mac

CleanMyMac's Menu app lives in your menu bar, just a cursor flight away. Now you can see a real-time picture of everything going on under the hood: from CPU load to actual internet speed. Learn these to become a better Mac user.

Monitor CPU temperature

Switch off CPU-intensive apps before the temperature gets too high.

Test internet speed

Compare your actual internet speed with the data your provider gives you.
Use all tools, pay zero
*Estimated optimization results. Test performed on MacBook Pro, 2019

Clean up your Mac with one click

CleanMyMac detects gigabytes of junk in all corners of your Mac. It targets unnecessary files and duplicates that clog up the drive, causing slowdowns. The app cleans macOS system folders, Photos, Mail, browsers, and even hidden large files.

Get 2x more space
Clean Up Your Mac Now
Start your 7 days free trial
John Voorhees

“If you’ve found yourself struggling with a nearly full Mac, check out CleanMyMac. The app has been an excellent way to recover space with minimal effort for many years.”

of free space
Clean up duplicates
Declutter similar photos
Clean Large & Old files

Clean up system junk

Well, when's the last time you used one of your apps in Swahili? See, these are the kind of things that are on your system that you probably will never use (we'll call them "junk") and CleanMyMac helps you clean them out.

Language Files

Do you need 10+ languages for every single app installed on your Mac? Probably not.


Useless cache files create up to 65 GB of junk per user per year. Clean them out safely.
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Duplicate files

Duplicate files could be the largest source of clutter on our Macs. Scattered copies across your entire drive, sometimes producing 3-4 versions of the same file. CleanMyMac sorts them out for you so you can review and free up space in 5 seconds.

Similar images

Declutter your Photos library with CleanMyMac by removing nearly identical shots.

Document versions

Some apps, like Photoshop, create several iterations of the same file. Keep only the last one.
Use all tools, pay zero

Similar images

Similar images take up tons of unnecessary space, with nearly identical shots scattered across your Photos library. CleanMyMac identifies these images so you can quickly review them, keep only the best ones, and free up valuable storage.

Unused applications

Quickly find apps you haven't used in a while and remove them safely along with their leftovers.

Old Downloads

Clean up gigabytes of ancient downloads from apps like Chrome or Slack.
Use all tools, pay zero

Review your dusty folders

CleanMyMac identifies the biggest files in a location of your choice – whether it's your user folder or an external drive – grouping them by type, size, and access date. You'll easily find folders that have been evading you for months, if not years.

Old iOS device backups

Easily remove old backups without losing any data, while recovering lots of space.

Application leftovers

Delete parts and pieces of deleted applications that are invisible in the Finder.
Use all tools, pay zero

Remove malware from Mac

Are there viruses on Mac? Not on yours, if you try Mac cleaning with CleanMyMac. Its anti-malware technology Moonlock Engine, crafted by MacPaw team, fights off malware, adware, ransomware, and all other “wares” specific to macOS.

Your real-time protection
Protect Your Mac Now
Start your 7 days free trial

This is how a new Mac feels

CleanMyMac is a powerful Mac cleaner, speed booster, and health guard designed to help your Mac run at peak performance, no matter the task.
+19 GB
of free space
You’ve removed duplicate files, piles of outdated caches, and clutter.
hidden background apps found
CleanMyMac found a bunch of login items and unseen memory-wasters.
faster boot time
You have minimized your Mac for an ideal productive setup.
*Estimated optimization results. The test was conducted using a 2019 MacBook Pro
30-day money-back guarantee

We are loved in Nepal. And in New Jersey too 🩷


“I'm a heavy mac user and i try a lot of things on my laptop. What I like about CleanMyMac is that everything works better than the other apps. appCleaner leaves pieces of uninstalled software on my Mac, which CleanMyMac finds and removes. The Updater works like a charm, and so do the optimization, maintenance and malware removal. It's like.. everything that I need to clean and refresh my Mac after a long day of work.”
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Roberto Mantovani

“#CleanMyMac by @cleanmymac has already saved me 12 GB of disk space and counting. Try for yourself and you’ll be amazed!”
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bro nifty birds are notnreal

“I freed 60Gb from my hard drive with cleanmymac storage map (Spoiler: it was all in the app caches) ama”
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Hunter Helsel

“This is by far the best designed app for cleaning a computer that i've ever seen. A great job to @MacPaw for continuing to amaze me in mostly everything they do.”
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Gian Ferrer

“Can’t believe I just got back about 70GB of my memory back because of CleanMyMac.”
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“It works as advertised, and I’ve used it for close to 10 years. At the end of the day it’s a tool to simplify a task, like a blender. If you feel it’s necessary to do these things yourself manually, perhaps because you enjoy tinkering (which I get), then CleanMyMac is not for you. But we have so much complexity in our life everyday, that it’s nice to assign some of these tasks with an Easy Button.”
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Judson MacDonald

“Spent this rainy afternoon tidying up my digital space and decided to try @CleanMyMac to help start. An hour later I had rid this tired machine of almost *drum roll* 100GB with barely any effort (and most of it was useless apps/backup data/caches!) So so worth it, y'all!”
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*Many thanks to our users for allowing to post their reviews.
Uncover millions of junk files


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But you're on
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So check our NEW CleanMy®Phone app
Delete all duplicate photos & videos